Secure On this page Provides utilities to improve application security.
Secure TCP Server# The Secure TCP Server has builtin abilities to
graceful shutdown defend against DDoS attacks by limiting max number of concurrent connections close idle connections defend against slow attacks get peer identity generate connection id etc. import (
// Create a Secure TCP Server
srv := & tcp . Server {
// The address to listen
Addr : "host:port" ,
// Connection handler is where you communicate with a client, i.e. receive/send data from/to a client.
// Connection handler should return ASAP when ctx.Done channel is closed, which usually means an exit signal is sent.
ConnHandler : func ( ctx context . Context , conn net . Conn ) error { ... },
// If graceful shutdown takes longer than ShutdownTimeout, exit instantly.
// Default to no timeout.
ShutdownTimeout : time . Second * 3 ,
// Used to limit max number of concurrent connections
// Default to no limit.
ConnLimiter : sem . New ( n ),
// If no data is sent from a connection in the specified duration, close the connection.
// Default to no timeout.
IdleTimeout : time . Minute ,
// Used for TLS handshake. If not provided, no TLS handshake.
TlsConfig * tls . Config
// If TLS handshake does not finish in the specified duration, close the connection.
// Default to no timeout.
TlsHandshakeTimeout : time . Second * 5
// If true, the Context argument of ConnHandler contains the identity of the TLS peer.
// Call GetTlsPeer(ctx) to get peer identity.
// And of course the peer should send a certificate, i.e. TlsConfig.ClientAuth should be RequireAnyClientCert or RequireAndVerifyClientCert.
// Peer identity is a set of Common Name and SAN DNS Names of certificate holder, i.e. cert.Subject.CommonName and cert.DNSNames.
CtxTlsPeer : false
// If true, the Context argument of ConnHandler contains the connection id.
// Call GetConnId(ctx) to get connection id.
CtxConnId : false
// Used to tag log messages
Tag : "someTag" ,
// A TagLogger used to log messages
Log : ... ,
// Start the Server
err := s . Serve ( ctx )
Connection Handler is where you communicate with a client, i.e. receive/send data from/to a client. Connection handler should return ASAP when ctx.Done channel is closed, which usually means an exit signal is sent.
func handleConn ( ctx context . Context , conn net . Conn ) error {
// Return the identity of the TLS peer. See Server.CtxTlsPeer
peer , ok := tcp . GetTlsPeer ( ctx )
// Return the connection id. See Server.CtxConnId
connId , ok := tcp . GetConnId ( ctx )
Secure HTTP Server# The Secure HTTP Server has builtin abilities to
graceful shutdown defend against DDoS attacks by limiting max number of concurrent requests etc. import (
sh ""
// Create a Secure HTTP Server
srv := & sh . Server {
// http.Server in std lib
Std : http . Server {
Addr : ... ,
Handler : ... ,
TLSConfig : ... ,
// Used to limit max number of concurrent requests.
// Default to no limit.
Limiter : sem . New ( n ),
// If graceful shutdown takes longer than ShutdownTimeout, exit instantly.
ShutdownTimeout : time . Second * 3 ,
// Used to tag log messages
Tag : "someTag" ,
// A TagLogger used to log messages
Log : ... ,
// Start the Server
err := s . Serve ( ctx )
Idle Timeout# Deprecated. Use Net / Idle Timeout
import ""
// If no data has been sent from conn by the time the timeout period elapses, conn.Read will return ErrIdleTimeout.
// Zero timeout means no timeout.
conn , err := conns . WithIdleTimeout ( conn , timeout )