Title here
Summary here
Category | Feature |
Net | BiCopy |
Net | FakeConn/NewPair |
Net | Idle Timeout |
Sync | Generic Concurrency-Safe Map |
Sync | Generic Concurrency-Safe Set |
Unix Domain Socket | UDS Server |
Unix Domain Socket | Meshless Client |
Unix Domain Socket | Meshless HTTP Client |
Category | Feature |
Net | Fake Conn |
Secure | Secure HTTP Server |
Category | Feature |
Generic Data Structures | Auto-scalable Ring Buffer |
Generic Data Structures | Double Ended Queue |
Generic Data Structures | Queue |
Generic Data Structures | Stack |
Generic Data Structures | Heap |
Generic Data Structures | Set |
Generic Iterator with Lazy Evaluation | From other types to Iterators |
Generic Iterator with Lazy Evaluation | Iterator Transformations |
Generic Iterator with Lazy Evaluation | Pipelines of Iterators |
Generic Iterator with Lazy Evaluation | Drain Iterators |
Generic Iterator with Lazy Evaluation | From Iterators to other types |
ID | NanoID |
Logging | Logging Facade |
Logging | Light Logger |
Logging | Concurrent Buffer Writer |
Logging | Auto-Flusher |
Logging | Log Rotator |
Logging | Extension |
Net | Connection Pool |
Net | SOCKS5 |
Reliable | Process-Level Guardian |
Reliable | Goroutine-Level Guardian |
Reliable | Auto-Reload on Config Changes |
Reliable | Backoff |
Reliable | Readiness |
Reliable | Timeout Decorator |
Runtime | Goroutine ID |
Runtime | Goroutine Local Storage |
Runtime | G2G |
Secure | Secure TCP Server |
Secure | Idle Timeout |
Sync | Semaphore |
Sync | Keyed-Semaphores |
Unix Domain Socket | HTTP Server over UDS |
Unix Domain Socket | HTTP Client over UDS |